This year, the number of these parasites brought back from travel is particularly high. A biologist gives advice.
Bed bugs are invading Switzerland. According to the Zurich health department, the number of these insects is increasing dramatically, especially now, at the end of the summer holidays. "Having bedbugs in your bed does not mean that you lack hygiene," Virginia Navarro of Greenpest, an emergency service specializing in the extermination of insects, explains to 20 Minuten.
According to her, a large number of these parasites are brought back to Switzerland after travelling. "Bedbugs are not only found in hotel beds, but also on planes and trains." Sybille Stettler-Kistler, working for another pest control company, confirms: “This Friday, our employee and his dog have to intervene six times for bedbugs.”
Don't unpack your suitcase on your bed
Contacted in turn, biologist Jean-Martin Fierz explains that these insects had been almost completely eradicated in the 1950s, in particular thanks to the use of a now banned insecticide: DDT. "The ban on DDT and the fact that more and more people are traveling are the main reasons why bed bugs are on the rise again in our country."
In the event of an infestation, Jean-Martin Fierz advises washing all clothes that have been taken on vacation at 60 degrees. He also advises against unpacking his suitcase on his bed.